Dr. Cathy Li
Doctor of Acupuncture
Book an appointment with Dr. Cathy Li
English, Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese
Dr. Cathy Li is a Registered Acupuncturist in Alberta and has been practicing Chinese Medicine in Calgary since 1997. Dr. Cathy Li followed her mother, Dr. Lai-Heung Yuen, a well-known TCMD in Hong Kong and Calgary, and began learning Chinese medicine and Acupuncture from a very young age.
After graduating from Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Li successfully combined her knowledge of theory with practice. In order to pursue the further knowledge and experience, Dr. Li traveled to China and Hong Kong to take more advanced training courses in various hospitals and clinics, such as Xiamen Chinese Medicine Hospital and Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Hospital. During these training sessions, she had the opportunities to study with some well-known TCM experts and received intensive clinical training, so that further enriched and strengthened her professional skill.
Dr. Cathy Li has a well-developed practice in the treatment of common illnesses, chronic disorders, cancer patient care, and many difficult and complicated diseases. In addition to these, Dr. Li also has an expertise in treating women’s health, such as menopausal syndrome, dysmenorrhea, fertility issues, etc. Dr. Li has been practicing both acupuncture and Traditional Chinese herbal remedy at Great Wall Health Centre since 2010. Her professional work ethic and diverse experience has earned her a lot of respect and garnered many referrals from patients.